ETSI - Evropský úřad pro normalizaci v telekomunikacích - strana 5030

Normy ETSI - Evropský úřad pro normalizaci v telekomunikacích - strana 5030

ETSI - Evropský úřad pro normalizaci v telekomunikacích (ETSI) vytváří globálně použitelné normy pro informační a komunikační technologie (ICT) včetně pevných, mobilních, rádiových, konvergovaných, vysílacích a internetových technologií.

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ETSI TR 143058-V6.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Characterisation, test methods and quality assessment for handsfree Mobile Stations (MSs) (3GPP TR 43.058 version 6.0.0 Release 6)

Norma vydaná dňa 31.12.2004

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ETSI TR 143058-V7.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Characterisation, test methods and quality assessment for handsfree Mobile Stations (MSs) (3GPP TR 43.058 version 7.0.0 Release 7)

Norma vydaná dňa 30.6.2007

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ETSI TR 143058-V8.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Characterisation, test methods and quality assessment for handsfree Mobile Stations (MSs) (3GPP TR 43.058 version 8.0.0 Release 8)

Norma vydaná dňa 28.1.2009

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ETSI TR 143058-V9.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Characterisation, test methods and quality assessment for handsfree Mobile Stations (MSs) (3GPP TR 43.058 version 9.0.0 Release 9)

Norma vydaná dňa 2.2.2010

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ETSI TS 143059-V10.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 10.0.0 Release 10)

Norma vydaná dňa 8.4.2011

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ETSI TS 143059-V11.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 11.0.0 Release 11)

Norma vydaná dňa 18.10.2012

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ETSI TS 143059-V12.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 12.0.0 Release 12)

Norma vydaná dňa 22.10.2014

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ETSI TS 143059-V12.1.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 12.1.0 Release 12)

Norma vydaná dňa 10.10.2017

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ETSI TS 143059-V13.0.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 13.0.0 Release 13)

Norma vydaná dňa 21.1.2016

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ETSI TS 143059-V13.1.0

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+) (GSM); Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS) in GERAN (3GPP TS 43.059 version 13.1.0 Release 13)

Norma vydaná dňa 20.4.2016

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