Publikácie  ASTM Volume 07.01 - Textiles (I): D76 - D4391 1.11.2023 náhľad

ASTM Volume 07.01 - Textiles (I): D76 - D4391

ASTM Volume 07.01 - Textiles (I): D76 - D4391

PUBLIKÁCIE vydaná dňa 1.11.2023

Dostupnosťdo 7 pracovných dní
Cena380.60 bez DPH

Informácie o produkte:

Označenie: ASTM Volume 07.01 - Textiles (I): D76 - D4391
Približná hmotnosť: 300 g (0.66 libier)
Dátum vydania: 1.11.2023
Krajina: Americká publikácia
Kategória: ASTM Section 07 - Textiles

Anotácia textu normy:

Volumes 07.01 and 07.02 feature over 355 textile-related standards covering the characteristics, properties, nomenclature, and uses of textiles. These tests, practices, and specifications cover:
• Apparel and fabric
• Care labeling
• Chemical conditioning and performance
• Cotton, yarn, fibers, wool, and felt
• Flammability and flame-resistance
• Glass fiber
• Home furnishings
• Inflatable restraints
• Pile floor coverings
• Subassemblies, such as zippers, hooks, and loops
• Tire cord and fabrics
Volume 07.02 also contains standard body measurement charts used for the sizing of apparel for men, women, children, and infants; standard guidelines for care labeling of apparel and other textile products; standards for UV protective fabrics and clothing; and a practice for stitches and seams, which has replaced the Federal standard for apparel end item stitch and seam structures used worldwide by government and industry textile organizations.
ISBN 978-1-6822-1957-7


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