Publikácie  ASTM Volume 04 - Complete - Construction 1.11.2023 náhľad

ASTM Volume 04 - Complete - Construction

ASTM Volume 04 - Complete - Construction

PUBLIKÁCIE vydaná dňa 1.11.2023

Dostupnosťdo 7 pracovných dní
Cena3 594.50 bez DPH
3 594.50

Informácie o produkte:

Označenie: ASTM Volume 04 - Complete - Construction
Počet strán: 18942
Približná hmotnosť: 56857 g (125.35 libier)
Dátum vydania: 1.11.2023
Krajina: Americká publikácia
Kategória: ASTM Section 04 - Construction

Anotácia textu normy:

Published: Will ship as published.
This section includes Volumes 04.01 through 04.13:
ASTM Volume   04.01: Cement; Lime; Gypsum ASTM Volume   04.02: Concrete And Aggregates ASTM Volume   04.03: Road And Paving Materials; Vehicle-pavement Systems ASTM Volume   04.04: Roofing And Waterproofing ASTM Volume   04.05: Chemical-resistant Nonmetallic Materials; Vitrified Clay Pipe; Concrete Pipe; Fiber-reinforced Cement Products; Mortars And Grouts; Masonry; Precast Concrete ASTM Volume   04.06: Thermal Insulation; Building And Environmental Acoustics ASTM Volume   04.07: Building Seals And Sealants; Fire Standards; Dimension Stone ASTM Volume   04.08: Soil And Rock (I): D420 – D5876/D5876m ASTM Volume   04.09: Soil And Rock (II): D5878 – Latest ASTM Volume   04.10: Wood ASTM Volume   04.11: Building Constructions (I): E72 – E2166 ASTM Volume   04.12: Building Constructions (II): E2167 - Latest; Asset Management; Sustainability; Technology And Underground Utilities ASTM Volume   04.13: Geosynthetics

Price for pr  int reflects the ASTM discount for purchasing an entire section. Sections must be prepaid.
ISBN 978-1-6  822-1930-0
2023 Content   (2443 Standards - 18942 Pages)


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