Norma SAE AIR4980A 1.5.2012 náhľad


Modular Avionics Backplane Functional Requirements and Consensus Items (MABFRACI)

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.5.2012

Cena116.50 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: SAE AIR4980A
Dátum vydania normy: 1.5.2012
Kód tovaru: NS-653887
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy SAE

Anotácia textu normy SAE AIR4980A :

The original purpose of this document was to establish interface requirements for modular avionics backplanes to be prototyped up to 1995. The document was issued as ARD50011 in September 1992. It is being reissued as an SAE Aerospace Information Report (AIR) in order to:
Preserve the requirements for more than 2 years

Support design of retrofits and avionics systems to be fielded in the years 1995 to 2000

Provide a baseline for updating the requirements of future integrated systems

These requirements were and are intended to promote standardization of modular avionic backplane interfaces. These requirements have been driven predominantly, but not exclusively, by aerospace type military platforms.

SUBJECT TAXONOMY: Avionics, Communication protocols, Vehicle networking
SUBFILE: Aerospace
TYPE OF DOCUMENT: Aerospace Standard

Stabilized: May 2012 SAE - Standards Status Definitions


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