Norma ISO 16840-1:2006 30.3.2006 náhľad

ISO 16840-1:2006

Wheelchair seating — Part 1: Vocabulary, reference axis convention and measures for body segments, posture and postural support surfaces

Automaticky preložený názov:

Invalidný vozík sedenie - Časť 1: Slovník, referenčná os konvencie a opatrenia pre segmenty tela, držanie tela a polohových opornými plochami

NORMA vydaná dňa 30.3.2006

Cena248.40 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ISO 16840-1:2006
Dátum vydania normy: 30.3.2006
Kód tovaru: NS-427295
Počet strán: 77
Približná hmotnosť: 231 g (0.51 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ISO

Anotácia textu normy ISO 16840-1:2006 :

Description / Abstract: ISO 16840-1:2006 applies to seating intended to provide postural support within a wheelchair. It specifies: a global coordinate system that permits the determination and recording of a persons posture while seated in a wheelchair; the standard terms and definitions for use in describing both the posture and the anthropometrics of a person seated in a wheelchair;the terms and definitions for describing the dimensions, location and orientation of seating support surfaces, which together comprise the body support system. ISO 16840-1:2006 does not specify any methods for use in measuring a persons seated posture, nor does it define terms for dynamic physiological movements (such as flexion or extension). ISO 16840-1:2006 might be applicable to seating other than that intended to be used within a wheelchair.


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