Norma ISO 10295-2:2009 19.1.2009 náhľad

ISO 10295-2:2009

Fire tests for building elements and components — Fire testing of service installations — Part 2: Linear joint (gap) seals

Automaticky preložený názov:

Požiarne skúšky pre stavebné prvky a súčasti - požiarne skúšky prevádzkových inštalácií - Časť 2: škár (medzera) tesnenie

NORMA vydaná dňa 19.1.2009

Cena164.70 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ISO 10295-2:2009
Dátum vydania normy: 19.1.2009
Kód tovaru: NS-421774
Počet strán: 24
Približná hmotnosť: 72 g (0.16 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ISO

Anotácia textu normy ISO 10295-2:2009 :

Description / Abstract: ISO 10295-2:2009 specifies the heating conditions, methods of test and criteria for the evaluation of the ability of a linear joint seal to maintain the fire integrity and thermal insulation of a fire-separating element at the joint being sealed. The purpose of the tests is to assess the integrity and insulation performance of the linear joint seals, including the effects of induced movement in those cases where the joint is designed to accommodate movement and has a width greater than 20 mm. It is not the intention of this part of ISO 10295-2:2009 to provide quantitative information on the rate of leakage of smoke and/or gases, or on the transmission or generation of fumes, although such phenomena can be recorded in describing the general behaviour of specimens during the test. It is not the intention of this part of ISO 10295-2:2009 to evaluate joint seals where special test procedures already exist, e.g. doors, partitions, penetrations, pipes, ducts and cables.

K tejto norme patria tieto opravy:

ISO 10295-2:2009/Cor1:2009 Oprava

Fire tests for building elements and components — Fire testing of service installations — Part 2: Linear joint (gap) seals — Technical Corrigendum 1
(Essais au feu pour les éléments et composants de bâtiment — Essai au feu des installations de service — Partie 2: Joints d´étanchéité pour interstices linéaires — Rectificatif technique 1)

Oprava vydaná dňa 30.3.2009

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