Norma IEC/TS 62492-2-ed.1.0 25.4.2013 náhľad

IEC/TS 62492-2-ed.1.0

Industrial process control devices - Radiation thermometers - Part 2: Determination of the technical data for radiation thermometers

Automaticky preložený názov:

Zariadenie na reguláciu priemyselných procesov - Radiačná teplomery - Časť 2: Stanovenie technických údajov pre radiačnú teplomery

NORMA vydaná dňa 25.4.2013

Cena242.10 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: IEC/TS 62492-2-ed.1.0
Dátum vydania normy: 25.4.2013
Kód tovaru: NS-408172
Počet strán: 29
Približná hmotnosť: 87 g (0.19 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy IEC

Anotácia textu normy IEC/TS 62492-2-ed.1.0 :

IEC/TS 62492-2:2013(E) applies to radiation thermometry and addresses all technical data specified in IEC/TS 62492-1. It defines standard test methods which can be used by the end user of radiation thermometers to determine or confirm the fundamental metrological data of radiation thermometers with one wavelength range and one measurement field. It facilitates comparability and testability. Therefore, unambiguous test methods are stipulated for determining technical data, under standardised measuring conditions that can be performed by a sufficiently skilled end user to serve as standard performance criteria for instrument evaluation or selection.


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