Norma IEC 62433-4-ed.1.0 25.5.2016 náhľad

IEC 62433-4-ed.1.0

EMC IC modelling - Part 4: Models of integrated circuits for RF immunity behavioural simulation - Conducted immunity modelling (ICIM-CI)

NORMA vydaná dňa 25.5.2016

Cena477.80 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: IEC 62433-4-ed.1.0
Dátum vydania normy: 25.5.2016
Kód tovaru: NS-639480
Počet strán: 219
Približná hmotnosť: 688 g (1.52 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy IEC

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Integrované obvody. Mikroelektronika

Anotácia textu normy IEC 62433-4-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62433-4:2016 specifies a flow for deriving a macro-model to allow the simulation of the conducted immunity levels of an integrated circuit (IC). This model is commonly called Integrated Circuit Immunity Model - Conducted Immunity, ICIM-CI. It is intended to be used for predicting the levels of immunity to conducted RF disturbances applied on IC pins. In order to evaluate the immunity threshold of an electronic device, this macro-model will be inserted in an electrical circuit simulation tool. This macro-model can be used to model both analogue and digital ICs (input/output, digital core and supply). This macro-model does not take into account the non-linear effects of the IC. The added value of ICIM-CI is that it could also be used for immunity prediction at board and system level through simulations. This part of IEC 62433 has two main parts: - the electrical description of ICIM-CI macro-model elements; - a universal data exchange format called CIML based on XML. This format allows ICIM-CI to be encoded in a more useable and generic form for immunity simulation. LIEC 62433-4:2016 specifie un macromodele de simulation des niveaux dimmunite conduite dun circuit integre (CI). Ce modele est communement appele Modele dimmunite de circuits integres - Immunite conduite (ICIM-CI - Integrated Circuit Immunity Model - Conducted Immunity). Il est destine a prevoir les niveaux dimmunite aux perturbations radioelectriques conduites appliques aux broches de circuits integres. Afin devaluer le seuil dimmunite dun dispositif electronique, ce macromodele est insere dans un outil de simulation de circuit electrique. Ce macromodele peut etre utilise pour modeliser les circuits integres analogiques et numeriques (entree/sortie, noyau numerique et alimentation). Ce macromodele ne tient pas compte des effets non lineaires du circuit integre. LICIM-CI presente lavantage de pouvoir egalement etre utilise pour la prevision dimmunite au niveau de la carte et du systeme grace a des simulations. La presente partie de lIEC 62433 est composee de deux parties principales: - la description electrique des elements du macromodele ICIM-CI; - un format universel dechange de donnees appele CIML et reposant sur le langage XML. Ce format permet de coder lICIM-CI sous une forme plus utile et generique pour la simulation dimmunite.


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