Norma IEC 62387-ed.2.0-RLV 31.1.2020 náhľad

IEC 62387-ed.2.0-RLV

Radiation protection instrumentation - Dosimetry systems with integrating passive detectors for individual, workplace and environmental monitoring of photon and beta radiation

NORMA vydaná dňa 31.1.2020

Cena570.20 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: IEC 62387-ed.2.0-RLV
Dátum vydania normy: 31.1.2020
Kód tovaru: NS-1096077
Počet strán: 276
Približná hmotnosť: 859 g (1.89 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy IEC

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Ochrana proti radiaci

Anotácia textu normy IEC 62387-ed.2.0-RLV :

IEC 62387:2020 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC 62387:2020 applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring: - the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) (for individual whole body monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(3) (for individual eye lens monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(0,07) (for both individual whole body skin and local skin for extremity monitoring), - the ambient dose equivalent H*(10) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), - the directional dose equivalent H(3) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), or - the directional dose equivalent H(0,07) (for workplace and environmental monitoring). This document applies to dosimetry systems that measure external photon and/or beta radiation in the dose range between 0,01 mSv and 10 Sv and in the energy ranges given in Table 1. All the energy values are mean energies with respect to the fluence. The dosimetry systems usually use electronic devices for the data evaluation and thus are often computer controlled.


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