Norma IEC 61606-2-ed.2.0 9.7.2009 náhľad

IEC 61606-2-ed.2.0

Audio and audiovisual equipment - Digital audio parts - Basic measurement methods of audio characteristics - Part 2: Consumer use

Automaticky preložený názov:

Audio a audiovizuálne zariadenia - Digitálne zvukové časti - Základné metódy merania zvukových vlastností - Časť 2: Spotrebiteľské použitie

NORMA vydaná dňa 9.7.2009

Cena301.60 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: IEC 61606-2-ed.2.0
Dátum vydania normy: 9.7.2009
Kód tovaru: NS-413485
Počet strán: 36
Približná hmotnosť: 108 g (0.24 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy IEC

Anotácia textu normy IEC 61606-2-ed.2.0 :

IEC 61606-2:2009 is applicable to the basic measurement methods of the audio characteristics of the digital audio part of audio and audiovisual equipment for consumer use. It specify conditions and methods of measurement for consumer equipment.The common measuring conditions and methods are described in IEC 61606-1. It constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes with respect to the first edition are the following: - changed the period of preconditioning; - add A weighting filter in measuring instruments; - correct the wrong reference number; - some inappropriate descriptions have been improved. This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61606-1:2009. LIEC 61606-2:2009 est applicable aux methodes fondamentales pour la mesure des caracteristiques audio de la partie audionumerique des equipements audio et audiovisuels destines a lusage grand public. Les conditions et les methodes de mesure communes sont decrites par l’IEC 61606-1. La presente Norme internationale specifie les conditions et les methodes de mesure relatives aux equipements grand public. LIEC 61606-2:2009 annule et remplace la premiere edition publiee en 2003. Elle constitue une revision technique. Les modifications techniques majeures par rapport a la premiere edition sont les suivantes: - modification de la periode de preconditionnement; - adjonction dun filtre de ponderation A dans les appareils de mesure; - correction du numero de reference errone; - certaines descriptions inadaptees ont ete ameliorees.


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