Norma IEC 61331-1-ed.2.0 7.5.2014 náhľad

IEC 61331-1-ed.2.0

Protective devices against diagnostic medical X-radiation - Part 1: Determination of attenuation properties of materials

Automaticky preložený názov:

Ochranné zariadenia proti diagnostických zdravotníckych X-žiarenie - Časť 1: Stanovenie útlmu vlastností materiálov

NORMA vydaná dňa 7.5.2014

Cena191.10 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: IEC 61331-1-ed.2.0
Dátum vydania normy: 7.5.2014
Kód tovaru: NS-413159
Počet strán: 50
Približná hmotnosť: 150 g (0.33 libier)
Krajina: Medzinárodná technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy IEC

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Radiografická zařízení

Anotácia textu normy IEC 61331-1-ed.2.0 :

IEC 61331:2014 applies to materials in sheet form used for the manufacturing of protective devices against X-radiation of radiation qualities generated with X-ray tube voltages up to 400 kV and gamma radiation emitted by radionuclides with photon energies up to 1,3 MeV. This Part 1 is not intended to be applied to protective devices when these are to be checked for the presence of their attenuation properties before and after periods of use. This Part 1 specifies the methods of determining and indicating the attenuation properties of the materials. The attenuation properties are given in terms of: - attenuation ratio; - build-up factor; and - attenuation equivalent together with, as appropriate, an indication of homogeneity and mass per unit area. Ways of stating values of attenuation properties in compliance with this part of the International Standard are included. Excluded from the scope of this International Standard are the methods for periodical checks of protective devices, particularly of protective clothing, the methods of determining attenuation by layers in the radiation beam, and the methods of determining attenuation for purposes of protection against ionizing radiation provided by walls and other parts of an installation. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61331-1, published in 1994. It constitutes a technical revision. This second edition has been adapted to apply to the present technology. In particular, this second edition is consistently applicable to lead- and non-lead-containing materials. The essential changes and extensions are: - the extension of the scope to cover photon-emitting radionuclides; - improved methods to determine the attenuation ratio; - the addition of the so-called inverse broad beam condition; - the addition of a method to calculate the attenuation ratio of photon-emitting radionuclides; - the definition of new standard X- and gamma radiation qualities used for testing; - the addition of the so-called lead equivalent class; and - tables of attenuation ratios, build-up factors and first half-value layers for the standard radiation qualities filtered with different thicknesses of lead. LIEC 61331:2014 sapplique aux materiaux en plaques utilises pour la fabrication des dispositifs de protection radiologique contre les rayonnements X dont les qualites de rayonnement sont celles generees avec des hautes tensions radiogenes allant jusqua 400 kV et les rayonnements gamma emis par des radionucleides ayant une energie photonique egale au plus a 1,3 MeV. La presente Partie 1 nest pas prevue pour etre appliquee aux dispositifs de protection radiologique lorsquil doit etre procede a la verification de leurs proprietes dattenuation avant et apres les periodes dutilisation. La presente Partie 1 specifie les methodes de determination et dindication des proprietes dattenuation des materiaux. Les proprietes dattenuation sont indiquees dans les termes suivants: - indice dattenuation; - facteur daccumulation; et - equivalent dattenuation, avec, selon le cas, une indication dhomogeneite et de masse surfacique. Les manieres denoncer les valeurs des proprietes dattenuation en conformite avec la presente partie de la Norme internationale sont incluses. Les methodes suivantes sont exclues du domaine dapplication de la presente Norme internationale: - les methodes relatives aux verifications periodiques des dispositifs de protection radiologique, en particulier des vetements de protection radiologique; - les methodes de determination de lattenuation procuree par les couches dans le faisceau de rayonnement, et les methodes de determination de lattenuation a des fins de protection contre les rayonnements ionisants procuree par les murs et autres parties structurelles dune installation.


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