ČSN CLC IEC/TS 60079-39 (332320)

Výbušné atmosféry - Část 39: Jiskrově bezpečné systémy s elektronicky řízenou dobou trvání jiskry (Norma k přímému použití jako ČSN).

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.9.2019

Cena22.70 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ČSN CLC IEC/TS 60079-39
Rozlišovací znak: 332320
Katalógové číslo: 504517
Dátum vydania normy: 1.9.2019
Kód tovaru: NS-968972
Počet strán: 64
Približná hmotnosť: 192 g (0.42 libier)
Krajina: Česká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ČSN

Anotácia textu normy ČSN CLC IEC/TS 60079-39 (332320):

This Technical Specification specifies the construction, testing, installation and maintenance of Power-i apparatus and systems which utilise electronically controlled spark duration limitation to maintain an adequate level of intrinsic safety. This Technical Specification contains requirements for intrinsically safe apparatus and wiring intended for use in explosive atmospheres and for associated apparatus intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits entering such atmospheres. This Technical Specification excludes the level of protection "ia" and the use of softwarecontrolled circuits. This Technical Specification applies to electrical equipment utilising voltages not higher than 40 V d.c. and a safety factor 1,5 for Groups IIB, IIA, I and III. It is also applicable to Group IIC "ic" apparatus with a safety factor 1,0. Group IIC "ib" apparatus with a safety factor 1,5 are restricted to voltages up to 32 V d.c. This type of protection is applicable to electrical equipment in which the electrical circuits themselves are incapable of causing an explosion of the surrounding explosive atmospheres. This Technical Specification is applicable to intrinsically safe apparatus and systems which utilise electronically controlled spark duration limitation with the aim of providing more electrical power while maintaining an adequate level of safety. This Technical Specification is also applicable to electrical equipment or parts of electrical equipment located outside hazardous areas or protected by another type of protection listed in the IEC 60079 series, where the intrinsic safety of the electrical circuits in explosive atmospheres depends on the design and construction of such electrical equipment or parts of such electrical equipment. The electrical circuits located in the hazardous area are evaluated for use in such locations by applying this Technical Specification. This Technical Specification supplements and modifies the requirements of IEC 60079-0, IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-14, IEC 60079-17 and IEC 60079-25


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