Norma ASTM F2822-10(2024) 1.4.2024 náhľad

ASTM F2822-10(2024)

Standard Specification for Fixed Anchorages Installed on Structures Used for Rope Rescue Training

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.4.2024

Cena49.30 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM F2822-10(2024)
Dátum vydania normy: 1.4.2024
Kód tovaru: NS-1170471
Počet strán: 2
Približná hmotnosť: 6 g (0.01 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Anotácia textu normy ASTM F2822-10(2024) :

This specification specifies the minimum strength requirements for anchorages permanently installed or attached to training towers or other structures used for rope rescue training. It specifies the design loads that must be considered and does not describe how those anchorages are constructed, installed in, or attached to the structure nor does it include any factors of safety. Each anchorage shall be designed to hold a minimum of 40 kN in all directions of potential loading and shall be manufactured in such a way that a carabiner with a gate opening of 25 mm or greater shall fit around it and the gate shall be able to close and lock. The anchorage shall be constructed using rounded stock or with beveled or chamfered edges to minimize damage to hardware, rope, or webbing that is attached to the anchorage.

anchorage, anchors, fire training tower, rappel tower, rope rescue training facilities, training tower,, ICS Number Code 97.220.40 (Outdoor and water sports equipment)


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