ASTM F1014-20

Standard Specification for Flashlights on Vessels

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.6.2020

Cena49.30 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM F1014-20
Dátum vydania normy: 1.6.2020
Kód tovaru: NS-995341
Počet strán: 4
Približná hmotnosť: 12 g (0.03 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Anotácia textu normy ASTM F1014-20 :

This specification covers three types of flashlights. The three types of flashlights are classified as follows: Type I; Type II; and Type III. All materials used in the construction of these flashlights shall be of a quality suitable for the purpose intended and shall conform to the requirements of this specification. Each flashlight must be furnished with two lamps. All metal parts of each flashlight shall be made of corrosion-resistant material. Switches, watertightness, and impact tests shall be performed to conform with the specified requirements.

flashlights, lifeboats, liferafts, vessels,, ICS Number Code 47.020.70 (Navigation and control equipment)


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