Norma ASTM D6262-23 1.8.2023 náhľad

ASTM D6262-23

Standard Specification for Extruded, Compression Molded, and Injection Molded Basic Shapes of Poly(aryl ether ketone) (PAEK)

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.8.2023

Cena56.80 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM D6262-23
Dátum vydania normy: 1.8.2023
Kód tovaru: NS-1150934
Počet strán: 7
Približná hmotnosť: 21 g (0.05 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Ostatní výrobky z pryže a plastických hmot

Anotácia textu normy ASTM D6262-23 :

This specification covers requirements and methods of test for the material, dimensions, and workmanship, and the properties of extruded, compression molded, and injection molded PAEK sheet, plate, rod, and tubular bar manufactured from PAEK. The type of PAEK extruded, compression molded, and injection molded product may be categorized by type, grade and class depending on resin and filler compositions. Every type of PAEK shape may be categorized into one of several grades as follows: Grade 1 (general purpose) which is extruded, compression molded or injection molded product made using only 100% virgin PAEK resin and Grade 2 (recycle grade) which is extruded, compression molded or injection molded product made using any amount up to 100% of recycled thermoplastic PAEK. The type, class and grade is further differentiated based on dimensional stability. Different tests shall be conducted in order to determine the following properties of PAEK: tensile stress at break, elongation at break, tensile modulus, dimensional stability, lengthwise camber and widthwise bow, squareness, flexural modulus, and Izod impact.

PAEK, PEEK, PEKK, plates–PAEK, recycled–PAEK, recycled plastic, rod-PAEK, shapes–PAEK, sheet-PAEK, tubular bar-PAEK,, ICS Number Code 83.140.99 (Other rubber and plastic products)


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