ASTM C1583/C1583M-20

Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay Materials by Direct Tension (Pull-off Method)

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.4.2020

Cena56.50 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM C1583/C1583M-20
Dátum vydania normy: 1.4.2020
Kód tovaru: NS-993807
Počet strán: 5
Približná hmotnosť: 15 g (0.03 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Betonové konstrukce

Anotácia textu normy ASTM C1583/C1583M-20 :

This specification covers standard test method for tensile strength of concrete surfaces and the bond strength or tensile strength of concrete repair and overlay materials by direct tension (pull-off method). This test method is suitable for both field and laboratory use to determine one or more of the following: the near-surface tensile strength of the substrate as an indicator of the adequacy of surface preparation before application of a repair or overlay material; the bond strength of a repair or an overlay material to the substrate; and the tensile strength of a repair or overlay material, or an adhesive used in repairs, after the material has been applied to a surface. The following apparatus shall be utilized: core drill; core barrel; steel disk; tensile loading device; and a coupling device. This test shall be performed on the surface of a prepared concrete base before application of a concrete repair overlay material, or on the surface of a concrete repair overlay material after the material has been applied to the prepared concrete surface. The test specimen shall be formed by drilling a shallow core into and perpendicular to the surface of the substrate, and leaving the intact core attached to the concrete. A steel disk shall be bonded to the top surface of the test specimen. A tensile load shall be applied to the steel disk until failure occurs. The failure load and the failure mode shall be recorded and the nominal tensile stress at failure shall be calculated.

adhesives, overlay materials, pull-off tensile strength, pull-off test, repair materials, tensile bond strength,, ICS Number Code 91.080.40 (Concrete structures)


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