Norma ASTM C1582/C1582M-24 1.8.2024 náhľad

ASTM C1582/C1582M-24

Standard Specification for Admixtures to Inhibit Chloride-Induced Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.8.2024

Cena56.50 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM C1582/C1582M-24
Dátum vydania normy: 1.8.2024
Kód tovaru: NS-1198709
Počet strán: 10
Približná hmotnosť: 30 g (0.07 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Oceli pro vyztužování betonu

Anotácia textu normy ASTM C1582/C1582M-24 :

This specification covers material for use as chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixtures for concrete. Concrete must meet the physical requirements such as compressive strength and flexural strength. The test admixture must show corrosion-inhibiting performance with the required mean integrated macrocell current of test beams and mean corroded area of test beams as a fraction of control. At the completion of testing, the mean chloride-ion content of the test beams must be greater than or equal to the critical chloride-ion content. Two types of concrete are used to make test specimens. One, the control concrete, is made without the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture. The other concrete, the test concrete, is made with the chloride-corrosion-inhibiting admixture. Tests of freshly mixed concrete include slump test, air content test, and time of setting test. Test of hardened concrete include compressive strength test, flexural strength test, resistance to freezing and thawing test, and length change test. Corrosion testing shall also be done.

admixture, chloride, corrosion inhibitor, corrosion testing, macrocell current,, ICS Number Code 77.140.15 (Steels for reinforcement of concrete)


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