ASTM B683-20

Standard Specification for Pure Palladium Electrical Contact Material

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.4.2020

Cena49.90 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM B683-20
Dátum vydania normy: 1.4.2020
Kód tovaru: NS-991696
Počet strán: 3
Približná hmotnosť: 9 g (0.02 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Ostatní neželezné kovy a jejich slitiny

Anotácia textu normy ASTM B683-20 :

This specification covers palladium in the form of rod, wire, strip, and sheet material for electrical contacts. Raw materials shall be of such quality and purity that the finished product (produced by cold working, annealing, turning, grinding, or pickling as are required) will have the properties and characteristics prescribed in this specification. The material shall conform to the chemical composition requirements prescribed for palladium, platinum group (iridium, platinum, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium), gold, silver, and copper, total impurities, lead, antimony, bismuth, tin, arsenic, cadmium, zinc, iron, and other elements. Ultimate tensile strength, elongation, microhardness (Knoop or Vickers), hardness (Rockwell or Rockwell Superficial), or a combination of these mechanical properties may be specified as temper criterion. Tension and hardness tests shall be conducted to determine conformity to the ultimate tensile strength and elongation, and Rockwell and Knoop hardness, respectively. Inspection of furnished material shall be done by temper test, dimensional test, and spectrographic or chemical analysis when needed.

contact alloy, electrical contact alloy, palladium,, ICS Number Code 77.120.99 (Other non-ferrous metals and their alloys)


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