Norma ASTM B359/B359M-23 1.10.2023 náhľad

ASTM B359/B359M-23

Standard Specification for Copper and Copper-Alloy Seamless Condenser and Heat Exchanger Tubes With Integral Fins

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.10.2023

Cena62.50 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: ASTM B359/B359M-23
Dátum vydania normy: 1.10.2023
Kód tovaru: NS-1155696
Počet strán: 11
Približná hmotnosť: 33 g (0.07 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy ASTM

Kategórie - podobné normy:

Neželezné kovové trubky

Anotácia textu normy ASTM B359/B359M-23 :

This specification establishes the requirements for seamless copper and copper alloy tubing on which the external or internal surface, or both, has been modified by a coldforming process to produce an integral enhanced surface for improved heat transfer. The tubes are typically used in surface condensers, evaporators, and heat exchangers. The seamless copper and copper alloy tubing shall have the internal or external surface, or both, modified by a cold forming process to produce an integral enhanced surface for improved heat transfer. The tube, after enhancing, shall be supplied in the annealed (O61) or as-fabricated temper. The enhanced sections of tubes in the as-fabricated temper are in the cold-worked condition produced by the fabricating operation. The unenhanced sections of tubes in the asfabricated temper are in the temper of the tube prior to enhancing, annealed (O61), or light drawn (H55), and suitable for rolling-in operations. Samples of annealed-temper (O61) tubes selected for test shall be subjected to microscopical examination and shall show uniform and complete recrystallation. Grain size and mechanical properties such as tensile strength and yield strength of the alloys shall be determined. Expansion and flattening tests shall be done to the alloys for performance evaluation. Non-destructive tests such as eddy-current test, hydrostatic test, and pneumatic test shall be done as well.

condenser, copper, copper alloys, heat exchanger, integral fins, seamless, tube, UNS No. C10100, UNS No. C10200, UNS No. C10300, UNS No. C10800, UNS No. C12000, UNS No. C12200, UNS No. C14200, UNS No. C15630, UNS No. C19200, UNS No. C23000, UNS No. C44300, UNS No. C44400, UNS No. C44500, UNS No. C60800, UNS No. C68700, UNS No. C70400, UNS No. C70600, UNS No. C70620, UNS No. C71000, UNS No. C71500, UNS No. C71520, UNS No. C72200,, ICS Number Code 23.040.15 (Non-ferrous metal pipes)


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