Norma API TR 934-B-ed.2 1.1.2022 náhľad

API TR 934-B-ed.2

Fabrication Considerations for Vanadium-Modified Cr-Mo Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.1.2022

Cena186.20 bez DPH

Informácie o norme:

Označenie normy: API TR 934-B-ed.2
Dátum vydania normy: 1.1.2022
Kód tovaru: NS-1140756
Počet strán: 44
Približná hmotnosť: 132 g (0.29 libier)
Krajina: Americká technická norma
Kategória: Technické normy API

Anotácia textu normy API TR 934-B-ed.2 :

API TR 934-B, 2nd Edition, January 2022 - Fabrication Considerations for Vanadium-Modified Cr-Mo Steel Heavy Wall Pressure Vessels

This best practice report complements API RP 934-A and specifies additional fabrication considerations that should be observed when constructing a new heavy wall pressure vessel using vanadium-modified Cr-Mo materials intended for hydrogen service at elevated temperature and pressure. It applies to vessels that are designed, fabricated, certified, and documented in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), Section VIII, Division 2, including paragraph 3.4 of the ASME Code, Supplemental Requirements for Cr-Mo Steels and former ASME Code Case 2151, as applicable (or equivalent international codes).

Nominal material chemical compositions covered by this report are the vanadium-modified steels including 21/4Cr-1Mo -21/4V, 3Cr- 1Mo-1/4V-Ti-B, and 3Cr-1Mo-1/4V-Nb-Ca steels. The interior surfaces of these vessels may have an austenitic stainless steel cladding or weld overlay to provide additional corrosion resistance.


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