E DIN EN 62680-4:2013-03

Universal Serial Bus interfaces for data and power - Part 4: Universal Serial Bus Cables and Connectors Class Document.

NORMA vydaná dňa 1.3.2013

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The information about the standard:

Designation standards: E DIN EN 62680-4:2013-03
Publication date standards: 1.3.2013
The number of pages: 47
Approximate weight : 141 g (0.31 lbs)
Country: German technical standard
Kategória: Technické normy DIN

Annotation of standard text E DIN EN 62680-4:2013-03 :

Schnittstellen des Universellen Seriellen Busses für Daten und Energie - Teil 4: Klasse für Kabel und Steckverbinder des Universellen Seriellen Busses.